113年第1學期-1151 Economics 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
Mid-Term Exam 30
Final Exam 30
Tests A/B/C/D 20 5% for Each Test
Continual Evaluation 20 Individual and Group Grading


本課程名額為 70人,已有62 人選讀,尚餘名額8人。

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This core course aims to help freshmen in the College of Management to build solid foundations of economic decision-making and policy analysis in the global context. With an integrated framework, the students are able to understand how various participants in the world economy interact under different settings. Focus is placed on optimal choices made by both private and public sectors, market structure implications across industries and countries, and dynamic impacts of macroeconomic business cycles. In addition to an extensive review of key terms in business, economics, and finance, this course links essential models in microeconomics and macroeconomics with practical application for solving professional and personal problems.


Economics is the social science that studies the choices that individuals, businesses, governments, and entire societies make as they cope with scarcity and the incentives that influence and reconcile those choices.



The main text is PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS: A STREAMLINED APPROACH by R. Frank, B. Bernanke, K. Antonovics, and O. Heffetz, McGraw-Hill, Fourth Edition. Lecture notes and supplemental material for in-class discussions are to be distributed following the progress of the course.


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