113年第1學期-1499 統計學 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
Course Participation and Interaction 20
Class Continual Evaluation 20
Quizzes/Projects 20
Midterm Exam 20
Final Exam 20


本課程名額為 80人,已有61 人選讀,尚餘名額19人。

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This course will introduce to the students how to describe a particular data set (termed descriptive statistics) as well as to draw conclusions about the population from a particular data set (termed inferential statistics). Statistics in Business applies statistical methods in a business context in order to address business related questions and help make evidence based decisions. Students will learn to apply commonly used statistical methods in business contexts and to interpret analyses performed by others. This course will cover: 1.Statistics methods and concept. 2.Descriptive Statistics. 3.Basic notions of probability, random variable, and discrete and continuous probability distribution. 4.Sampling methods. 5.Statistical inference – interval estimation. 6.Hypothesis testing. 7.Statistical analysis on financial and accounting data using Microsoft Excel and SAS.


今天,對統計學的理解、研究和應用,已經擴展到自然科學、社會科學、工程技術、管理、經濟、藝術和文學的各個領域。一般人利用統計訊息在日常生活中作出各種抉擇,制定將來的計畫。為了能對所有有效的訊息正確的理解和應用,人們有必要掌握一定的統計知識。 統計方法是現今計量科學研究中最常用的方法之一,但是,隨著科技的進步、套裝軟體的發達,同學可以很容易的處理一些基本資料的分析及推論,而方法背後的理論基礎及涵意卻是一知半解,甚至錯誤的離譜。因此,本課程的主要目的是讓同學能獲得正確的統計基本原理、概念及素養。盡量教授一些看起來簡單、合理、合乎邏輯的概念禪述,避免艱深的內容和太多的數學推導,以免造成學習障礙與疏離,進而使同學失去學習興趣。 本課程基本上包含: 1. 敘述統計:關於數據資料的描述及整理。 2. 機率論:統計推論的基礎。 3. 統計推論:分析數據資料的方法。



Essential Statistics in Business and Economics, by David P. Doane, Lori E. Seward. 3rd Edition, 2020, McGraw Hill.


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