113年第1學期-1513 投資學 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
Quizzes 30
Midterm exam 35
Final exam 35


本課程名額為 95人,已有75 人選讀,尚餘名額20人。
本課程可網路登記,目前已登記人數為 17 人,選上機率為99.9%

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The subjects that we cover in this course will follow the major structure of the textbook that offers you the classical learning assistance and convenience. The first part of the class introduces the investment background and major developments in investment theory. Then we will study portfolio theory followed with asset pricing principles as the basis for stock and bond valuation. Fixed income securities will be placed in the last part of the class. This course will progress with conventional mode of face-to-face lectures and discussions unless remote learning is announced by the school.


The topics covered in this course will follow the major structure of the textbook that supply you the classical learning aids and convenience. The first part of the class will cover the investment background and major developments in investment theory. Then we will study asset pricing principles as the basis for stock and bond valuation. Fixed income securities will be learned in the last part of the class. This class will also offer virtual trading practices that prepare students for the stronger demand of such experience from the financial industries.



Jordan, Miller, and Dolvin, Fundamentals of Investments, tenth edition, McGraw Hill.


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