113年第1學期-2735 Honors: Rethinking Innovation and Discovery 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
attendance and participation 40 attendance and participation in class activity
regular class work 30 students regulary post written reflections on readings discussed in class and on the content of the discussion and post comments to classmates' written reflections
written assignments 30 the student selects a case of innovation or discover to analyze and writes up their description and analysis of the case


本課程名額為 14人,已有5 人選讀,尚餘名額9人。

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David Scott Wible


This course examines these two common notions--innovation and discovery--as driving influences underlying change. Despite their essential role in changes that effect us on a personal, societal, and global level, they are often misunderstood. A core objective of this course is to consider critically together some cases of innovation and discovery in order to uncover their workings in a variety of domains and different historical periods. The content of the course is built around specific cases of innovation and discovery. Thus, the course takes a case-based approach, where actual instances of innovation and discovery are examined in depth and probed for clues to deeper principles that can guide students’ own efforts to gain novel insights and apply them to new problems.



Watson, James (2001) The Double Helix: A Personal Account of the Discovery of the Structure of DNA. Touchstone Publishers


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