113年第1學期-2769 Marketing Management 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
Class Participation and Attendance 30 The learning process for this course will be primarily driven by class discussion. Hence, student participation, in the form of class discussion is an integral part of the course and attendance is strongly recommended. If you are absent THREE times throughout the semester without a legitimate reason, you will be penalized with FIVE point deduction off your final grade. If a conflict or emergency arises, contact me to discuss the situation;
Mid Term 20 Multiple Choice
Logo 10 Story of new establish company and logo design
On-site competition project 40 Group presentation is designed to give students an opportunity to be innovative and apply the concepts learned in class to their project. • E-file of Poster and Video must upload onto the New E-Learn website by 25-Dec-2023 at 22:00. • A paper Poster and Video must hand in the class on 26-Dec-2023


本課程名額為 40人,已有37 人選讀,尚餘名額3人。

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1. Provide essential knowledge about marketing including key concepts, theories, practices, etc. 2. To apply marketing concepts/theories into real situations 3. Understanding of global issues in marketing 4. Provide opportunities to analyze marketing activities in firms through cases/articles and interviews (if possible).


1.Describe the relevance of consumer behavior to the entire international marketing process, the nature and stages of consumers’ decision making and the factors influencing consumers’ choice. 2.To develop skill in using a variety of analytical frameworks for making decision in international marketing 3.Explain the impact of global effect on the development of international marketing strategies including marketing communication, segmentation and target marketing. 4.Apply the consumer behavior theories covered in the course to devise effective solutions in enhancing international marketing performance in the global business environment.



Armstrong,G., Kotler, P. and Armstrong M.O.(2020) Marketing An Introduction, 14th ED. Person
Marshall, G., and Johnston, M. (2019) Marketing management, 3rd Ed. McGraw Hill Education
Kotler, P. T., Keller, L. K., Ang, S.H., Tan, C.T. and Leong, S. M. (2017) Marketing Management: An Asian Perspective, 7th, Ed. Pearson.


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