113年第1學期-2772 Business Policy 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
Class Participation and Presentation Skill 10
Personal Assignment 15
Case Presentation & Case Study Review 25
Mid-term Exam 25


本課程名額為 70人,已有62 人選讀,尚餘名額8人。

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⬛ Course Objectives: This course provides a comprehensive understanding of strategic management principles and their application in real-world business settings. Students will learn to: * Analyze organizational environments to identify opportunities and threats. * Formulate and evaluate business-level and corporate-level strategies. * Understand the role of leadership and organizational structure in successful strategy implementation. * Apply strategic thinking to address contemporary business challenges. ⬛ Course Contents: The course is divided into four parts: Introduction to Strategic Management, The Nature of Competitive Advantage, Strategies, and Implementing Strategy. Each part covers a range of topics, from strategic leadership and external analysis to corporate governance and strategy implementation. The course also includes a variety of experiential and applications-focused activities. ⬛ Important Course Selection Information: *** This course requires regular attendance starting from the first week. This policy applies to all registered students; international exchange students will be handled separately. Please carefully consider your availability before enrolling, as absences due to personal reasons will not be excused. *** Please note that late registration (up to the third week) and travel delays (within the first two weeks) are not considered valid excuses. All absences will be recorded during roll call. *** If you must miss class due to force majeure factors such as significant natural disasters or major societal disruptions, please submit a leave request through the standard procedure on the "Student Information System. " You do not need to notify the instructor separately by email. ⬛ Online Classes: This course is currently held in person. The university does not currently plan to offer online instruction. If online classes become necessary, an official announcement will be made.



This course includes the following learning materials:
* Course handouts
* Assigned magazine articles
* Assigned books

※ Please note:
This course plan is subject to change due to adjustments in the school's new academic
calendar. Students should refer to the updated syllabus on iLearn at the beginning of the
semester for the most current information.


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