113年第1學期-2775 International Human Resource Management 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
Attendance 10
Individual Participation 15
Individual Report 25
Group Case Presentation 30


本課程名額為 40人,已有40 人選讀,尚餘名額0人。

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⬛ Course Objectives: This course aims to equip learners with a comprehensive understanding of International Human Resource Management (IHRM). It focuses on the strategic role of HRM in international business environments, the complexities of operating in different countries and cultures, and the challenges of managing international workforces. ⬛ Course Contents: The course covers a wide range of topics including the context of IHRM, global work, sourcing people for global markets, global performance management, international training, development and careers, global talent management, global compensation, and future challenges in IHRM. Each topic is designed to provide learners with a deep understanding of the specific aspects of IHRM. ⬛ Important Course Selection Information: Week 1 Attendance is Mandatory. *** Any student who does not attend the first class will be automatically withdrawn from the course. Exceptions will be made only in cases of force majeure, encompassing significant natural disasters and major societal disruptions. Adding the course after the first week is not permitted. *** Adding this Course: Students wishing to add the course must attend the first class session. This session will deliver a course orientation, and students can confirm enrollment at that time. Students are not required to contact the instructor (teacher) before the first class. If the course does not reach its initially announced enrollment capacity, a lottery will be held after the first class session to determine which students are eligible to enroll. *** Course Attendance: This course values active participation and consistent attendance. Students who anticipate frequent absences or difficulty attending all class sessions are advised to reconsider enrollment. Thank you for your understanding.



This course utilizes the following learning materials:
* Course handouts
* Assigned cases

※ Please note:
This course plan is subject to change due to adjustments in the school's new academic
calendar. Students should refer to the updated syllabus on iLearn at the beginning of the
semester for the most current information.


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