113年第1學期-2827 GL:Trends in Culture & the Arts 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
In-class 30 Participation/attendance/quizzes
Midterm project 30 group video project
Final project 40 group presentation
Self-study (weeks 17-18) 5 online/digital learning: visit museum websites recommended by the instructor, then submit a 500 picture essay highlights one of the exhibitions curated by these museums


本課程名額為 50人,已有27 人選讀,尚餘名額23人。

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This course is a general survey of arts, including the history of painting and architecture from the classical Greco-Roman world, Buddhist and Islamic tradition to medieval and Renaissance art. We will examine representative artworks from these cultural traditions through the lens of Semiotics and focus on the following themes: 1) The Elgin Marbles Controversy; 2) Hitler’s 1936 Summer Olympics; 3) Staging Power & Violence: Rome’s Entertainment Industry; 4) Symbolism in Buddha’s Body; 5) Divinity in the Flesh: Images of God, Christ and Madonna in Medieval and Renaissance art; 6) Mysticism of the Light and Gothic Cathedrals. Students can increase their visual literacy and make their aesthetic judgments in a cross-cultural context by studying and comparing the artistic works and achievements of various periods and cultures. After completing the course, students will be able to 1) Appreciate cultural values from the perspectives of social and art history, 2) Enhance cross-cultural competence and aesthetic literacy, 3) Enhance communicative skills.



Teacher's materials and internet resources
1. Strickland, Carol. 1992. The Annotated Mona Lisa: a crash course in art history from prehistoric to post-modern. Kansas: Andrews McMeel Publishing.
2. Oxford Art Online (via THU library database)
3. Khan Academy
4. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/works/


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