113年第1學期-2840 World Hunger and Nutrition Challenges 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
attendance/performance 10 this class has an attendance policy; if students will be absent class 4 times or more, they will get a failure grade even other academic performance are excellent
mid-term exam 30 In class paper exam (90 minutes)
short quizzes/tasks at tMoodle 30
SDGs paper 30 short essay writing assignment


本課程名額為 50人,已有26 人選讀,尚餘名額24人。

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The objective is to understand various issues related to food production and distribution, political and environmental problems that are considered causes of hunger and malnutrition in developing and developed countries, and to encourage the younger generation, who will live in the next era, to think about potential solutions. Specifically, this includes new and expanded topics such as genetically modified foods, the impact of climate change, the quality of farmland and water, the significance of globalization, and the implications of changes in population policies, such as the repeal of China's 'one-child policy.' Through lectures and discussions in class, a midterm exam, and an essay writing assignment on the efforts of countries around the world regarding the SDGs, students will deepen their understanding of the above issues.



Textbook: The World Food Problem: Toward Ending Undernutrition in the Third World by H.D. Leather and P. Foster, Lynne Rienner Publishers.


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