113年第1學期-3010 人文:生命美學 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
Participation 50
Prsentaion 35
Oral exam 15


本課程名額為 50人,已有50 人選讀,尚餘名額0人。

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Course Description This 2-credited course is designed to introduce and enhance students’ English and communication skill in Art field through a variety of interesting and interactive ways. The course is designed for people who want to know more about communication in art such as art students and artists who lack of the skill about specific communication skill, art English, and also for these who love art, work in art and want to have a globe view over the world. In this course there are mainly three parts: Part I. Art history in English Mainly begins from 15,16th Renaissance, Expressionism, 17,18th century Baroque, and Rococo art, 19th century Romanticism, Victoria art, 20th century Cubism, Dada, Surrealism art etc. There will be briefly introduction in the art history of each period and introduce the most iconic artists and art piece of the time to the learners and arouse their interest and motivation at art field. Part II. English Art terms and useful expressions In this part will introduce art communication vocabularies and terms, conversation in different art scenario (e.g. Going to art gallery, how to talk and appreciate the art in English), specific usages for special needs in art range and more. Part III. Achievement acceptance and Group discussion The last part of the course will be the learner’s achievement check. Learners will apply what they have learned from the class into a short presentation about their favorite field of art or artist. Group discussion also go with the presentation.



Diana's own material


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