113年第1學期-3177 社會:世界議題 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
Attendance 10 Proof (such as doctor’s note) is required for excused absence.
In-class participation 5
Team project—oral presentation 35 Anyone who is assigned a group but does not participate in team project will obtain zero point!
Team project—individual written report 25 Report based on the portion of the presentation he/she is responsible for, and a brief reflection on the experience.
Midterm exam 25 Essay questions (instructions to be announced)


本課程名額為 40人,已有40 人選讀,尚餘名額0人。

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This inter-disciplinary course is designed to introduce students to the international relations and current issues facing East Asia, an important region full of diversity and intricate interactions. Our goal is to grapple how countries in East Asia interact with others (both within and outside East Asia) through the lens of state actors, non-state actors and individuals. This requires us to absorb both primary and secondary sources from various disciplines. Thus, course materials are drawn from fields such as history, political science, sociology and art. This course will help students answer the questions of East Asian integration and prospects by first introducing students to the history and background of East Asia as a region, followed by a survey of selected countries in East Asia. The survey will encompass the politics and economy of the countries. Then, this course will introduce students to major issues in East Asia, in order to discuss the potential impacts they have on the region and Taiwan.



There is no particular text book for this course. I will provide book chapters, journal papers for key readings and suggested background readings for each week.
本課程不特別指定教科書,教材部分將由本人提供書 (章節) 及期刊論文做為每週主要及次要讀物。


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