113年第1學期-3185 社會:多元公民 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
attendance 30
assignments 30
mid-term and term papers 35
Student Autonomous Learning Experiential Courses 5 Planned by the General Education Center


本課程名額為 50人,已有49 人選讀,尚餘名額1人。

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The objective of social field is to inspire students to recognize differences, affirm themselves, appreciate others, and respect diversity. This course aims 1)to see beyond each country’s national history, 2) to find connections between the countries, and 3) to create a regional, common history of the intertwining developments of economy and political systems. The course is questions-discussion-task based, not lecture based.



The Rise of Illiberal Democracy, Foreign Affairs, Fareed Zakaria November/December 1997
Capitalism and Freedom, Milton Friedman, 1962
Culture is Destiny: a conversation with Lee Kuan Yew, Foreign Affairs, November/December 1994 Issue
Is Culture Destiney?, Kim Dae Jung, Foreign Affairs, November/December 1994 Issue
Final Declaration of the Regional Meeting for Asia of the World Conference on Human Rights (Bangkok Declaration) 1993


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