113年第1學期-4136 大二英文:自我表達技巧 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
Attendance and Participation 20
Midterm and Final Projects 40
In-class Assignments and/or Quizzes 20 10%+10%
Outside-class Assignments and/or Homework 20


本課程名額為 35人,已有37 人選讀,尚餘名額-2人。

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Course Objectives: On completion of the course, students should be able to 1. use simple and easy to understand expressions to develop ideas and thoughts; 2. use real-life experiences, past events, and current issues as examples; 3. apply some language cues, and figure out an effective way to say; and 4. perform them in public more confidently. 本課程將賦予學生以下的能力有: 1. 能用簡單易懂的文字來組織架構語言, 2. 能運用生活中的經驗和過去的經歷舉例說明, 3. 能善用肢體、表情、手勢、姿勢、語調等等的表達技巧,並 4. 能夠成功地且自信地傳達給聽眾 。 Contents: This course is designed to give students a platform to express themselves. First, the teacher designs worksheets with 12 different self-expression topics. These include introducing yourself, making smart decisions, talking about travel experiences or learning a skill, and expressing opinions about current issues, etc. Then, a variety of topic-related phrases and commonly-used expressions will be taught and explained. Each week, students are given a topic to work on. They have to brainstorm ideas, organize their thoughts, and effectively express their opinions in public. Finally, based on the weekly topic, students will either demonstrate their opinions in small groups of 2-4 people or deliver a public speech in front of the whole class. 本課程主要是設計一個讓學生能夠輕鬆實現自我表達的平台。首先,老師會設計一個12周跟自我表達相關的學習單。每周,依據不同的主題,學生先學習一些與單元有關的基本、簡單、淺顯易懂的詞彙和片語。之後,學生將會跟小組成員進行腦力激盪、彙整訊息。最後思考要如何用最佳的方式呈現,讓聽眾一聽就明瞭。


「大二英文」是一個以學習者為中心的模組化課程。針對學生個人學習興趣及相關系所之專業需求,開設四大模組課程,分別為「職涯與專業」、「日常溝通」、「多元文化」以及「自我表達技巧」。四大模組分別由具有共同核心目標但涵蓋不同主題之課程所建構而成。所有的課程均以學期為單位,學生可以根據個別興趣及需求,於上、下學期選擇兩門不同的模組課程。本課程將以25人小班制進行互動式教學,結合討論、展演及實作等各類學習活動,讓學生能在更多元、自主的學習語境中,具體強化其英語文溝通能力。 本課程屬於「自我表達技巧」模組,透過多元題材與多媒體資源提升教學成效,協助學生增進英語聆聽與口說能力,具體提升學生的表達能力與自信,並精進其英語簡報及演說技巧。 The SENM program is a student-centered module-based program which offers students choices and small, interactive classes. The program encourages students to tailor their English learning to their specific needs and interests by offering four semester-based modules: Career and Profession, Daily Communication, Multiculturalism, and Self-Expression Skills. Additionally, within each of the four modules, there are different themes, or topics, around which each course‘s curriculum is built. Each SENM student can choose two different module courses in one academic year according to their needs and interests. The program‘s small class size (no more than 25 students) means that a variety of class activities such as discussions, role plays, and presentations are an integral part of the program. This specific course belongs to the Self-Expression Skills Module. This module enhances students’ oral presentation techniques. It also helps students to improve their listening skills and boost their confidence in public speaking. Course Objectives: On completion of the course, students should be able to 1) deliver a variety of formal and informal presentations in English; 2) present ideas clearly with emphasis on effective use of verbal and nonverbal communication skills; 3) demonstrate critical thinking skills in daily life communication, both as a speaker and as a listener; and 4) express their ideas in English more confidently.



1. Present Yourself 1
2. Instructor's worksheet


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