113年第1學期-5184 外語習得理論 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
Class preparation/active participation, attendance 20
Journal paper/chapter discussion 30
Proposal presentation 10


本課程名額為 30人,已有11 人選讀,尚餘名額19人。

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Course Objectives • To develop an expert and personally relevant understanding of second language learning; • To become familiar with theories, methods, and findings in the field of SLA; • To develop your ability to read SLA research reports meaningfully; • To support you through the process of conducting and reporting on a research project that explores an SLA topic of your choice.



Textbooks and References
1. Selected chapters from
• White, Lydia. 2003. Second Language Acquisition and Universal Grammar. Cambridge University Press.
• Gass, Susan M & Machey, Alison. 2012. The Routledge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition. NY: Routledge.
• Saville-Troike, Mureil. 2012. Introducing second language acquisition. 2nd edition: Cambridge University Press.
• Herschensohn, Julia & Young-Scholten, Martha. 2013. The Cambridge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition. Cambridge University Press.
• Fromkin, Victoria et al. 2017. An Introduction to Language. 11th edition. Boston: Congage.
2. Relevant materials taken from a variety of sources will be provided by the instructor.
3. Main journals that publish SLA research, in alphabetical order:
• Applied Psycholinguistics
• The Canadian Modern Language Review
• International Journal of Applied Linguistics
• International Review of Applied Linguistics
• Language Learning
• The Modern Language Journal
• Second Language Research
• Studies in Second Language Acquisition System
• TESOL Quarterly


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