113年第1學期-6605 教學科技理論研究 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
閱讀心得回應與帶討論 25 Each class meeting, you are required to bring your response from that day’s readings.
科技融入教學輪廓圖 15 在這個作業你將發展對一個教育環境(一個你假想的學校,或是你的任教的學校)的剖析。利用你所蒐集得知的學區(縣市政府) 、社區、學校、教室、學生、及老師的資訊,加上你自己的教育背景、科技能力、信念及教學目標完成這個作業。
教學網站、教學軟體、教育社群網絡評鑑 20 對內容、架構安排介紹、及你認為教師可以如何運用它,並對其教育價值進行批判。我將提供一些導引來幫助你的分析
final paper 40 The final paper topic will be opened to your interested area. I encourage you to write a proposal for your research. To think about what questions of technology integration you like to ask


本課程名額為 12人,已有12 人選讀,尚餘名額0人。

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1. 沈中偉與黃國禎。(2012)。科技與學習:理論與實務(第四版)。臺北:心理出版社
2. Lever-Duffy (2011). Teaching and learning with technology. Boston, MA: Ally& Bacon.
3. Handout readings
Textbook Reference:
2. Zimmerman, M. (2020). AI時代的教與學:探索學習新疆界
3. 黃國禎與陳德懷。(2017)。未來教室、行動與無所不在學習。臺北:高等教育出版社https://www.books.com.tw/products/0010768487?loc=P_asb_001
4. 黃國禎, 蘇俊銘, 陳年興。(2015)。數位學習導論與實務(第二版)。博碩出版社
5. Bullen, M. & James, D. (2007). Making the transition to e-learning: strategies and issues. Information Science Publishing.
6. Catherall, P. (2005). Delivering e-learning for information services in higher education. Chandos Publishing.
7. Hamilton, B. (2018). Integrating Technology in the Classroom: Tools to Meet the Needs of Every Student. International Society for Technology in Education.
8. Pflaum, W. (2004). The technology fix: the promise and reality of computers in our schools. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
9. Provenzo, E.F., Breet, A., & McCloskey, G.N. (1999). Computer, curriculum, and cultural change. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
10. Shelly, G. et al (2002). Teachers discovering computers: integrating technology and digital media in the classroom. Course Technology.
11. Tomei, L. (2007). Integrating information &communications technologies into classroom. Information Science Publishing.
12. Wenglinsky, H. (2005). Using technology wisely: the keys to success in schools. Teacher College Press.


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