113年第1學期-6713 動物科學研究法(一) 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
期中考試或期中報告 I 25
期中考試或期中報告 II 25
期中考試或期中報告 III 25
期末考試或期末報告 25


本課程名額為 30人,已有4 人選讀,尚餘名額26人。

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This course aims not only to provide broader perspectives for the students in our master's program, enabling them to understand the directions and scopes of research and development in animal production and biotechnology, but also to equip them with the necessary skills to engage in experimental research related to animal science. To achieve these objectives, we have designed a one-year course for our master's students, consisting of Methodology of Animal Science I in the first semester and Methodology of Animal Science II in the second semester. The topics in Methodology of Animal Science I includes: 1. Basic and Important Concepts of Biostatistics and Experimental Design; 2. Writing and Publication of Scientific Articles; 3. Methodology of Research and Analysis for Livestock Product Quality; and 4. Fundamental Techniques in Cell Biology. 推出動物科學研究法課程之目標,除力求本系碩士班學生擁有更寬廣完整之視野,洞悉畜產與生物科技領域研究發展之方向及範疇外,更力謀賦予學生充分具備能力從事動物科學相關試驗研究。為謀達成前述目標,乃為本系碩士班學生設計一學年之動物科學研究法課程,包括上學期之動物科學研究法 (一) 與下學期之動物科學研究法 (二)。本學期動物科學研究法(一)之授課內容包括:1. 基本試驗設計及生物統計重要概念;2. 撰寫與發表科學論文之技巧及應注意事項;3. 畜產品品質的研究分析法;4. 細胞生物學之基本技術。



1.丘志威、吳定峰、楊鈞雍、陳炳輝 (2000編譯) 如何撰寫及發表科學論文。第1版。台北。藝軒圖書出版社。(ISBN 957-616-551-2)
2. 傅祖慧 (2003) 科學論文寫作。第4版。 台北。藝軒圖書出版社。(ISBN 957-616-7311-0)
3. 試驗驗設計學(第五版),沈明來 編著,九州圖書文物有限公司。
4. Day, R. A. and B. Gastel (2006) How to write and publish a scientific paper. 6th Edition. Cambridge.Greenwood International Customer Service, Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP, UK. (ISBN 0-313-33040-9)
5. Journal papers in Analytical Biochemistry, Elsevier Inc.
6. Montgomery, D. C. (2012) Design and Analysis of Experiments. 8th Edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., US. (ISBN 978-1-118-14692-7)
7. Others, including prescribed or specified reading lists or materials required by the instructors.


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