113年第1學期-7055 參數化之演效式建築設計 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
assignment 1~5 50 平時作業
attendance 10 出席狀況
Final project 40 期末作業


本課程名額為 20人,已有16 人選讀,尚餘名額4人。

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請注意本課程主要為英文授課,中文為輔。 This comprehensive course, "Parametric and Generative AI for Performative Architectural Design," delves into the exciting intersection of cutting-edge technology and architectural creativity. Over three distinct parts, this course equips students with the theoretical knowledge and practical skills required to master parametric design using Rhino Grasshopper, harness the power of Galapagos genetic algorithms for architectural performance optimization, and explore the innovation and creativity of generative AI in architectural contexts. Throughout the course, a balance of theoretical knowledge and practical application ensures that students not only grasp the core concepts but also gain hands-on experience. By the course's end, participants will possess the tools to create intricate parametric designs, optimize designs based on architectural performance metrics, and harness generative AI for innovative architectural creations. This course promises to be a transformative learning experience for aspiring architects and designers eager to push the boundaries of architectural innovation.



References |

Online Tutorials:
1. https://vimeo.com/channels/basicgh (Grasshopper Basics with David Rutten)
2. https://www.grasshopper3d.com/page/tutorials-1 (Tutorials of Grasshopper official Website)


1. Architectural Processes of Parametric Design from Tectonics to Landscape Urbanism, Ho Jen-Hwang, 2019, DMO International.
2. Computation Works – The Building of Algorithmic Thought, Brady Peters and Xavier de Kestelier (Editors), Architectural Design Mrch/April 2013.
3. Digital Fabrications: Architectural and Material Techniques, Lisa Iwamoto, 2009, Princeton Architectural Press.
4. Material Computation: Higher Integration in Morphogenetic Design, Achim Menges (Editor), 2012, Academy Press.
5. Material Strategies in Digital Fabrication, Christopher Beorkrem, 2013, Rouledge Publication.
6. Pamphlet Architecture 27: Tooling, Benjamin Aranda & Chris Lasch, 2005.
7. Parametric Architecture with Grasshopper, Arturo Tedeschi, 2010, Edizioni Le Penseur.
8. Printing Architecture – Innovative Recipes for 3D Printing, Rael and San Fratello, 2018, Princeton Architectureal Press.
9. The New Mathematics of Architecture, Jane Burry and Mark Burry, 2010, Thames & Hudson.
10. The Second Digital Turn: Design Beyond Intelligence, Mario Carpo, 2017, The MIT Press.


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