97年第2學期-2131 全球品牌行銷與管理 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
期中考成績Mid term 30
學期考成績Final 40
期末報告成績Presentation 30


本課程名額為 40人,已有41 人選讀,尚餘名額-1人。

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The aim of the course is to help develop students’ ability to solve marketing problems and at the same time handle the complex coordination problems and subtle cultural issues facing the global marketer. It extends existing marketing principles and tools to the global arena. It offers a comprehensive and robust framework within which a number of practical foreign market problems can be analyzed and solved.


This course deals with the application of advanced branding/marketing management concepts and tools in global markets. The perspective is that of a marketing decision maker whose firm has established presence in several foreign markets. Particularly focus on Asia; Taiwan, Hong Kong, China, Japan, Korea,etc..



1.Global Marketing: Foreign Entry, Local Marketing, Global Management,
3rd ed. Johansson, Johny K., McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2003.
2. reference/resources
Essentials of International Management
David C. Thomas, Sage Publications, 2002.
Global Strategic Management, Philippe Lasserre, Macmillan, 2002.
Hill, Charles W.L. International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace. 4th ed. Irwin: Boston 200
Brand/branding Interbrand


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