98年第2學期-0181 文討:奇哉!大偵探 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
Midterm paper 30
Final paper 30
Participation 20
Oral presentation and turn leading discussion 20


本課程名額為 15人,已有14 人選讀,尚餘名額1人。

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1. To add to the pleasure of reading 2. To utilize and sharpen critical skills acquired in other literature courses 3. To gain an in-depth understanding of a popular literary genre through analytical and critical study 4. To better understand the interplay between detective fiction and its socio-economic background.


This course explores the development of a unique literary hero, the super detective. It examines the origins and evolution of the detective in fiction from amateur investigator to professional private eye to professional policeman. It studies how the expanding role of the detective in different professions, e.g. journalism, law, medicine, etc., reflects the moral and cultural complexity of a society on the move. At the same time, it examines how the form responds to social-economic changes involving questions of race, gender, class and the environment, thus serving as a type of social criticism. This course also investigates the emergence of female detectives and analyses current trends in detective fiction.



Course Materials:
Major Texts:
Chandler, Raymond. The Big Sleep
Christie, Agatha. Mrs. McGinty s Dead
Doyle, A. Conan. Short Story Collection
Hammet, Dashiell. Maltese Falcon
Poe, Edgar Allan. The Dupin Stories.

Cawelti, John G. Adventure, Mystery, and Romance: Formula Stories as Art and
Popular Culture. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1976.
Knight, Stephen. Form and Ideology in Crime Fiction. Bloomington: Indiana
University Press, 1980.
Pepper, Andrew. The Contemporary American Crime Novel. NY: Fitzroy Dearborn, 2001


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