98年第2學期-2962 從廣告中學英文 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
Midterm oral communicative exam 15 Vocabulary definition, sentence making, and a free talk related to the course
Electronic portfolio project 40 Self-assessment (10%), peer-assessment (10%), and teacher-assessment (20%)
On-line feedback writing 15 Students need to view their group members’portfolios and give feedback (50 ~ 100 words) on their advertisement materials and classroom presentation/discussion before 1 PM each Monday.
Participation, in-class presentation, and group discussion 30 (1) Students will be requested to present their collected materials on the stage. (2) Students will have different group members every two weeks.


本課程名額為 25人,已有19 人選讀,尚餘名額6人。

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On completion of the course, students should be able to 1) make practical use of the English language through advertisements; 2) use English to compile an Internet-based electronic portfolio; 3) interact and communicate ideas with others in English; and 4) become autonomous and self-directed English language learners.



(1) Students will not need to purchase any course materials. Theme-based materials will be collected from various sources, such as advertisements pertaining to travel, electronic products, overseas education, real estate, and household goods. The total word-counts of each theme-based advertisement collection will range from 300 – 400 words, depending on students’ selection of concise or detailed materials.
(2) Students will need access to computers, English materials (e.g., newspapers, magazines, flyers, or brochures), and English-language Internet resources.


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