98年第2學期-5090 團體工作研究 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
口頭報告 40
期末報告 40
課程參與 20


本課程名額為 70人,已有3 人選讀,尚餘名額67人。

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1. 從期刊文獻中, 瞭解最近兩年社會團體工作的主要概念, 諸如: 電腦等因素對實務運作上的影響 2. 幫助學生學習數種社會團體工作的模式及應用


本課程的目標有二, 一是從期刊文獻中, 瞭解近年社會團體工作的主要概念運用,更新同學對於團體工作的概念; 二是幫助學生學習數種屬於社會工作的團體工作模式及應用, 期望學生能運用於實務工作之中.



1. Abell, M., Gallinsky, M. J. (2002) Introducing Students to Computer-based Group
Work Practice. Journal of Social Work Education, 38(1), 39-54.

2. Corey, M. S., & Corey, G. (2006) Groups—Process and Practice (International
Student edition). U. S. A. : Thomson Brooks/Cole.

3. Diaz, T. P. (2002) Group Work from an Asian Pacific Island Perspective: Making
Connections Between Group Worker Ethnicity and Practice. Social Work with
Groups, 25(3), 43-60.

4. Doel, M. (2005) Difficult Behaviour in Groups. Social Work with Groups, 28(1),

5. Garvin, C. D. & Reed, B. G. (1995) Sources and Visions for Feminist Group Work:
Reflective Processes, Social Justice, Diversity, and Connection. In Nan Van Den
Bergh (eds.) Feminist Practice in the 21st Century. Chapter 3. P. 41-69.

6. Gazda, G. M., Ginter, E. J., & Horne, A. M. (2001) Group Counseling and Group
Psychotherapy Theory and Application. Chapter 7-10, 15-16. Needham Heights:
Allyn & Bacon.

7. Kosoff, S. (2003) Single Session Groups: Applications and Areas of Expertise.
Social Work with Groups, 26(1), 29-45.

8. McGuire, L. E. (2003) Using qualitative methods to evaluate a group: does the
survival skills for women program increase self-sufficiency? Social Work with
Groups, 26(4), 43-57.

9. Schopler, J. H., Abell, M. D., & Galinsky, M. J. (1998) Technology-Based Groups:
A Review and Conceptual Framework for Practice. Social Work, 43(3), 254-266.


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