99年第1學期-2125 餐旅人力資源管理 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
Midterm exam 25 Class notes will be posted on the internet to help you prepare for the classes as well as for the tests.
Final Exam 25 Class notes will be posted on the internet to help you prepare for the classes as well as for the tests.
Project 25 Student groups will prepare a HR proposal for selected restaurant/hotel. More detailed and specific project guidelines will be provided and discussed in the second week of the semester.
Reading and discussion 10 Throughout this semester, you will need to read some articles related to HR issues/HR cases in hospitality industry.
Pop quiz 5 Random pop quiz will be given after the class. The test content will base on the lecture given that day. So it is very important for you to stay focused in class.
Attendance 5 Random attendance will be taken throughout the semester. It is YOUR obligation/responsibility coming to classes. If you do come, please engage yourself in the lecture and discussion.


本課程名額為 70人,已有66 人選讀,尚餘名額4人。

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Course objectives are designed to: 1. Familiarize students with current issues and activities related to human resource management in the service industry. 2. Expose students to common personnel management practices and constraints. 3. Enable students to develop a framework for analyzing important personnel issues. 4. Provide students the opportunity to acquire and practice verbal and written communication skills.


使學生瞭解餐旅產業人力資源管理的實務作法,制度與分析架構, 以初步建立人力資源管理的實務運作概念及分析的能力; 並且讓學生實際參與人力資源管理的個案報告及時事討論. 特定目標: 1.具備對人力資源管理理論與實務雙方面的整體認知. 2.對人力資源管理運作系統與方法建立初步的瞭解. 3.習得如何運用所學人力資源管理理論於實際企業組織當中. 4.幫助個人建立成為企業組織中人力資源規劃經理人之專業能力.



Human Resources Management for the Hospitality Industry by Mary L. Tanke

From good to great (從A到A+)
Case Scenarios In Hospitality Supervision by Peter Szende(2009)
Suggested HR Articles


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