99年第2學期-0165 英文修辭學 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
Presentation & participation 40 Oral presentation of reading assignments & participation in classroom activities
Project 1 20
Project 2 20
Project 3 20


本課程名額為 35人,已有29 人選讀,尚餘名額6人。

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1. To gain fundamental knowledge about mainstream rhetoric theories. 2. To know how to analyse different genres of texts by applying the rhetorical theories learned. 3. To be familiar with different forms of communication. 4. To gain a thorough understanding about the process of writing and process of thinking.


Several mainstream rhetorical theories will be introduced to help students gain a better understanding about the diversity and nature of texts. Students will compose texts and then analyze the texts by employing the rhetorical theory learned. Classroom activities include writing, discussion, peer review, and oral presentation.



Course materials:
There is no textbook for this class, but we have required reading assignments. The following reading assignments (except the last article) will be sent to your Tunghai email thru attachment files. Print them out for the use in this class.

Contrastive rhetoric:
(1) Kaplan, Robebrt (1966). Cultural thought patterns in inter-cultural education.
Language learning, 16 (2008): 1-20. Print.
(2) Saville-Troike, Muriel & Johnson, Donna (1994). Comparative rhetoric: an
intergration of perspectives.

Descriptive discourse patterns:
(3) Brashers, H. C. (1968). Teaching descriptive style. Journal of English teaching techniques, 1 (2), 1-12.

Persuasive discourse patterns:
(4) Crowhurst, Marion (1988). Patterns of Development in Writing
Persuasive/Argumentative Discourse.

Process writing theory:
(5) Emig, Janet (1971). The composing processes of twelfth graders. Urbana: NCTE,
1971. Print.


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