102年第1學期-6774 碩士論文 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
依學生論文口委成績而定 100


本課程名額為 70人,已有16 人選讀,尚餘名額54人。

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The objective of the Master’s thesis is to develop the student’s ability to provide a contribution to Hospitality Management research. The student should demonstrate, through his/her thesis and orally, an ability to plan, conduct, and present a major investigation in a business context of relevance to the subject of Hospitality Management. The thesis’ contribution should rest upon clearly evaluated and motivated standpoints. The student should demonstrate good knowledge of the research front within the field of study, and ability reflect upon and position oneself towards alternative approaches within the field.


Course Description: 1. The instructor assists the student in formulating a research topic on the area the student is interested in. 2. The instructor assists the student in searching, assessing, summarizing, integrating, and synthesizing essential reviews of literature on the chosen topic. 3. The instructor assists the student in relating current research to prior related research. 4. The instructor assists the student in designing an appropriate research methodology for the topic. 5. Regular meeting time will be scheduled for the instructor to monitor the student’s progress.



As agreed with individual supervisors.


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