108年第1學期-1949 婚姻與家庭 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
指定閱讀導讀 30 小組導讀指定閱讀書籍篇章或學術期刊論文。請自行分組,以3至4人為一組,導讀時間約30分鐘,每組導讀兩次,並請提供書面導讀大綱。
課堂參與 10 包含課堂出席狀況及參與討論的程度 。
期中報告 25 以自身或親戚家庭為例,使用家庭社會學的理論來分析。字數上限為2000字。
期末報告 35 請於期末考前一週上課時繳交(字數上限為5000字)。請選擇有興趣的家庭相關議題或特定家庭現象進行研究,內容必須包括議題或現象的基本描述,並運用課程上討論的觀點、概念、理論進行分析與解釋。


本課程名額為 60人,已有85 人選讀,尚餘名額-25人。

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家庭,作為提供社會化 (socialisation) 的第一個場域,以及組成家庭的主要元素–婚姻,是社會學分科裡重要且與每個人切身相關的。但對家庭的研究並不只是社會學的專屬主題,家庭所含括的層面廣泛,包含夫妻關係、親子關係、性行為、經濟功能、子女教育等等,不能只以社會學觀念和理論來解釋。 這門課除了討論家庭社會學的重要理論之外,也會帶領學生閱讀近期相關學術研究期刊論文,藉此比較台灣社會的婚姻與家庭及西方家庭的組成變革有何不同。透過實證研究的發現,來了解婚姻與家庭的維持與瓦解、家務與經濟活動之分工、性別態度、兩性對性關係看法的差異、婚姻品質的決定因素等議題。




1. 林松齡,2000,《臺灣社會的婚姻與家庭:社會學的實證研究》。台北:五南。

2. 蔡文輝,2012,《婚姻與家庭:家庭社會學》。台北:五南。

3. James M. White, David M. Klein, and Todd F. Martin, 2015,“Family Theories: An Introduction”(Fourth Edition). Thousand Oaks: Sage.

4. Arlie Russell Hochschild (歐宜欣譯),《外包時代》。台北:深石數位。

5. Sandy To, 2015, “China’s Leftover Women: Late Marriage among Professional Women and its Consequences”. Routledge: New York.

Journal Papers:

1. Sara B. Raley, Marybeth J. Mattingly, and Suzanne M. Bianchi, 2006, “How Dual Are Dual-Income Couples? Documenting Change From 1970 to 2001”, Journal of Marriage and Family 68: 11–28.

2. Anne-Rigt Poortman, 2005, “How Work Affects Divorce: The Mediating Role of Financial and Time Pressures”, Journal of Family Issues, Vol. 26 No. 2, 168-195.

3. Krista Lynn Minnotte, Michael C. Minnotte, Daphne E. Pedersen, Susan E. Mannon and Gary Kiger, 2010, “His and Her Perspectives: Gender Ideology, Work-to-Family Conflict, and Marital Satisfaction, Sex Roles 63:425–438.

4. Ria Smit, 2002, “The Changing Role of the Husband/Father in the Dual-Earner Family in South Africa”, Journal of Comparative Family Studies, Vol. 33, No. 3, 401–415.

5. Liana C. Sayer and Suzanne M. Bianchi, 2000, “Women’s Economic Independence and the Probability of Divorce”, Journal of Family Issues, Vol. 21, No. 7, 906–943.

6. Suzanne M. Bianchi, Liana C. Sayer, Melissa A. Milkie, andJohn P. Robinson, 2012, “Housework: Who Did, Does or Will Do It, and How Much Does It Matter?”, Social Forces, 91(1) 55–63.

7. Susan Brown, Wendy D. Manning, and Krista K. Payne, 2015, “Relationship Quality Among Cohabiting versus Married Couples”, Journal of Family Issues, 1–24.

8. Lauren McClain and Susan L. Brown, 2016, “The Roles of Fathers’ Involvement and Coparenting in Relationship Quality among Cohabiting and Married Parents”, Sex Roles, Vol. 76, Issue 5–6, 334–345.

9. Bruce Chapman and Cahit Guven, 2014, “Revisiting the Relationship Between Marriage and Wellbeing: Does


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