108年第1學期-2826 Social Responsibility and Business Ethics 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
Participation, Assignment and Midterm exam 50 Dr. Ellen Rouyer
Participation, Assignment and Final exam 50 Dr. Erin (Huichuan) Kao


本課程名額為 15人,已有31 人選讀,尚餘名額-16人。

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高惠娟 羅愛倫


The main objective of this course is to provide students with the basic skills concerning corporate governance, business ethics and corporate social responsibility. Additionally, students should understand the role of corporate governance, ethics, corporate social responsibility and sustainability in business activities and evaluate business practices in these fields. In the first half of Social Responsibility and Business Ethics course, students will gain an understanding of how companies make decisions, in other words, corporate governance and some of the various ethical issues surrounding it. The first part of the course focuses mostly on the governance of corporations in developed capitalist economies. Particular attention will be given to agency problems between stakeholders, and possible solutions, and how these problems impact society. In the later part of semester, Dr. Kao will analyze how bethics pertain to individuals, leaders and organizations in business. We will link the business ethics to CSR issue and introduce of CSR. Also, we discuss Enron case in the classroom. Students will also examine a variety of current ethical and CSR issues in the business world.


近年由於金融弊案、環境問題與全球化的影響,企業倫理、企業社會責任、永續發展等議題備受重視,為培養出具有企業倫理思維的專業人才。本課程將以社會責任與倫理前導,讓同學思辨企業倫理的脈絡與架構,用以培養同學的倫理意識與判斷能力。除此之外,也將介紹企業倫理的演變過程,包含企業社會責任概念、永續發展概念,及企業倫理時事案例介紹,讓同學思考這些弊案對於企業、社會、環境的衝擊,與對國家競爭力的影響,從而能加強企業風險管理與提升長期競爭力。 本課程為一整合與跨領域課程,內容設計涵蓋主題如下: 1.企業倫理的思維與架構 2.企業社會責任之概念,歷程,措施與衡量 3.公司治理 4.CSR實務案例之討論與分析



Erin (Huichuan) Kao
Textbook: The teaching material is prepared by myself.
Reference: Business Ethics: Decision making for personal integrity & social responsibility/ Hartman, DesJardins and MacDonald, forth edition/ Mc Graw Hill.


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