108年第1學期-3298 領導與倫理:大學引導 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
出缺席狀況 40 故缺席5次(含)以上總成績以「不通過」計
平時成績 60


本課程名額為 100人,已有26 人選讀,尚餘名額74人。

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為提供全體大一新生參與大學入門後,延續並深入的讓新生對於校園及立校精神的認識,並讓大一同學在新生第一年對於自己的學習有正向的態度與積極進取的學習動力,透過學務處邀集六位不同領域的老師,進行不同主題的課程,讓新生在人際溝通、領導力、立校精神、生涯發展、行為慣性等面向,來進行正確價值的建立.更將從求真、篤信、力行的校訓理念,引導新生們探索自我,覺察自己的行為慣性,以設計思考的模式,帶領學生思考自己四年的學習規劃。 Post freshmen orientation and in line with THU campus culture, in order to provide additional self-motivated learning opportunities, the Office of Student Affairs is offering different course options taught by 5 different professors. The goal is that students establish correct value systems through increased proficiency in: personal communication, leadership, university spirit, career development, and behavioral change through habit formation. Through THU's motto of - Truth, Faith, and Deeds, these courses lead students to improve self-understanding, to become self-aware of their own actions and habits through design thinking and experiential learning students will have better 4-year blueprint for personal development and learning.



1、Sean Covey著、錢基蓮譯,(與未來有約),台北:天下,2007。

2、史蒂芬 柯維 著、顧淑馨譯,(與成功有約),台北:天下,2012。

3、史蒂芬 柯維 著、殷文譯,(第8個習慣:從成功到卓越),台北:天下,2010。

4、肯 羅賓森 著、廖建容譯,(發現天賦之旅),台北:天下,2013。


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