108年第1學期-3393 多元與議題導向:美食地景的體驗與反思 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
In-Class Participation and attendance 30 A student’s participation and interaction with other students, as well as the professionalism displayed in all aspects of this class, will be a major component of the course grade. Attendance in class is a necessary, but not sufficient, condition for good participation. (Merely showing up for work, but not contributing anything verbally to the organization, would not generally be considered acceptable behavior in the workplace.)
Midterm 20 There will be a take-home midterm exam. The purpose of the exam is to provide an opportunity for reflection on the readings and lecture materials and to facilitate integration of the course concepts. Students are welcome to use the course texts, readings and lecture notes to complete the exam but MUST work independently.
Final Project 40 During the semester each student will be assigned to a team of three or four students, to design an energy policy. The goal of the project is to build your critical thinking, problem solving, and communication skills while also connecting you to real-world energy challenges and solutions. Each student will define an energy policy problem of interest and provide: 1) a one page summary of the policy issue with identification of the key analytical questions; 2) a short (2-­‐5 minute) presentation
Quiz 10 From time to time, unannounced, short quizzes may be given during class on the assigned reading material (including chapters from the textbook, articles, and/or cases). The most likely time for an in-class quiz will be the beginning of class. If a student is not in class at the time the quiz is distributed for an in-class quiz, he/she will receive 0 points.


本課程名額為 35人,已有24 人選讀,尚餘名額11人。

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1.To explore the impacts of policy by the considerations from energy supply/demand and industry/economic/environment/social development 2.To understand the advantages and disadvantages of various energy sources, and project to the 2030 sustainable energy profile 3.90% of students willing to participate in policy development 4.80% of students put forward their own 2030 energy recognition for Taiwan 5.70% of students willing and understanding how to contribute to energy saving, carbon and waste reduction 6.5% of students intend to develop/join an energy-related industry



1. Laurence Geri and David McNabb, Energy Policy in the U.S.: Politics, Challenges, and Prospects for Change
2. David MacKay, Sustainability without the Hot Air


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