113年第1學期-2100 動物生殖學 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
鄭老師部分 50
劉老師部分 50


本課程名額為 45人,已有50 人選讀,尚餘名額-5人。

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劉宗璟 鄭淳予


The intent of this present course is made to disseminate knowledge regarding reproductive physiology so that students can be equipped with not only the basic scientific understanding but also the better educational techniques for improvement of reproductive efficiency in food-producing animals as well as to improve the quality of life in the human when reproduction problems can be effectively solved.



1. Johnson, M. H. 2013. Essential Reproduction. 7th Edition. Wiley Balckwell.
Senger, P. L. 2003. Pathways to Pregnancy and Parturition. 2nd Edition. Current Conceptions, Inc.
2. Jeo Bearden, H., J. W. Fuquay and S. T. Willard. 2004. Applied Animal Reproduction. 6th Edition. Pearson Education, Inc.
3. Hafez, E.S.E. and B. Hafez. 2000. Reproduction in Farm Animals.Lippincott Williams & Willkins
4. 馬春祥、楊錫坤 (譯)。1999。生殖學要義。國立編譯館,臺北。
5. Noakes, D.E., Parkinson, T.J., England, G.C.W. Veterinary Reproduction and Obstetrics. 10th ed. 2019.
6. Mcgeady, T.A., Quinn, P.J., Fitzpatrick, E.S., Ryan, M.T., Kilroy, D., Lonergan, P. Veterinary Embryology. 2nd ed. 2017.
7. Schatten, H., Constantinescu, G.M. Comparative Reproductive Biology. 1st ed. 2007.


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