113年第1學期-2237 商業服務禮儀 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
Class Participation and Attendance 40 The learning process for this course will be primarily driven by class discussion. Hence, student participation, in the form of class discussion is an integral part of the course and attendance is strongly recommended. If you are absent THREE times throughout the semester without a legitimate reason, you will be penalized with FIVE point deduction off your final grade. If a conflict or emergency arises, contact me to discuss the situation;
Self-Image Development 20 PPTs of your self-image: Dating, Working and Daily life (5 minutes)
Final Group Presentation 30 Workplace etiquette PPTs ( 10 minutes)
Pop exams/Homework Assignment 10 Group Homework Assignments will be given throughout the semester; they are short exercises to help you understand and apply the concepts and theories discussed in class. Sometimes you will also be asked to prepare for a short presentation.


本課程名額為 27人,已有33 人選讀,尚餘名額-6人。

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• To improve student’s social and communication skill. • To obtain the basic understanding of the social and workplace etiquette • To enhance the knowledge of the reliable commercial and diplomatic activity at home and abroad.


本課程主要教導學生符合國際標準之禮儀規範,將所學習的禮儀規範融入到餐旅服務過程,透過合宜的言行舉止來達到100% 客戶滿意。本課程以深入淺出方式探討服務的本質,分析顧客心理需求,以及服務人員應如何預期顧客需求,以專業的言行舉止加深顧客印象,塑造企業專業形象。



張亦騏 (2019) 國際禮儀, 華立圖書
許南雄(2009) 第三版 國際禮儀 - 基本、社交、生活、商業、接待、外交禮儀, 華立圖書
林雨萩 (2009) 第三版 國際禮儀 含國際、商業、生活禮儀之應用, 華立圖書
陳乃華、游美未、周純如、葉怡君、林宥瑩、林秀鳳 (2010) 國際禮儀 實務 , 新陸書局股份有限公司


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