98年第1學期-2130 餐飲官能品評 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
Midterm 20 written exam
Reports and class performance 20 submit reports after each workshop
Final projects 30 including 1. proposal 2. conducting research 3. presentation
Final exam 20 open book exam
Attendance 10 from 5 accumulative checks


本課程名額為 30人,已有28 人選讀,尚餘名額2人。

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This course is designed to give an overview of sensory evaluation. Students will understand the reasons why tests can be set up in some ways and not in others. The latest state-of-the-art techniques are explained clearly along with enough of the theory behind the tests so that the sensory professional can see why tests are set up in specific ways. From this base, students involved in this class can modify and custom-design techniques specific to the product being tested. From the fundamental knowledge and analytical skill learned in the class, students will be able to alter the test method to apply in the hospitality industry when testing for new menu or replacing new ingredients.


感官品評是一個相對新的領域,包含心理學、食品科學、生理學及統計方法的整合科學。除了在食品科學的應用之外,感官品評也應用在許多產業做最後品質的把關,如織品業及造紙業。餐飲業在開法產品或修正時,也可以利用感官品評將產品修正到顧客接受最高的程度。課程將提供感官品評的正確觀念及應用, 介紹各種食品感官品評的方法和消費者品評的相關練習, 期望學生能習得感官品評的技術。 課程將介紹常使用的感官品評方法包含:簡單對比法、三點品評、順位法、評分法、描述分析及消費者品評。每一個品評方法,均會搭配實作,參與課程同學將有能力針對所欲分析的產品,選取最適合的品評方式,並實際執行測試,將結果分析後作為課程報告。所學的的知識及技術將可應用於1. 餐飲原料取代測試 2. 與同業比較產品競爭性 3. 產品上市及修正測試 4. 產品辨識。



Meilgaard, M., Civille, G. V., & Carr, B. T. 2007 Sensory Evaluation Techniques 4th ed. Florida, USA: CRC Press, Inc.


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