55f59-Exploring Alternate Worlds: Science Fiction as a Window into the Human Condition and the Future of Society 近五年開課資訊

55f59-Exploring Alternate Worlds: Science Fiction as a Window into the Human Condition and the Future of Society 近五年開課資訊 [檢視所有紀錄]

開課學年度 開課學期 選課代號 課程名稱 學分數 時間地點 授課教師 人數狀態 備註
112 1 2843 選修-Exploring Alternate Worlds: Science Fiction as a Window into the Human Condition and the Future of Society 3-0 一/6,7,8[LAN109] Michael James Hemmingsen 上限 10 現選 8
餘額 2
永續科學與管理學士學位學程 / 永續學程1-4
112 1 1934 選修-Exploring Alternate Worlds: Science Fiction as a Window into the Human Condition and the Future of Society 3-0 一/6,7,8[LAN109] Michael James Hemmingsen 上限 10 現選 1
餘額 9
社會學系 / 社會系1-4