113年第1學期-6807 英國管家服務管理與趨勢研究(二) 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
出席 25
期中考 25
期末考 25
報告與實作 25


本課程名額為 15人,已有15 人選讀,尚餘名額0人。

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Unlike hotel concierges, hotel butlers are dedicated to their specific guests, and go above and beyond to create a personalized experience.The role of a celebrity or CEO’s assistant. “This person is ultimately there to take a weight off their guest’s shoulders and bring a sense of calm,” he says. With a hotel butler, “there’s direct communication in real time, versus a guest having to call down to the front desk for something or dialing restaurant reservations to get that 8p.m. seating.” Knowing that hotel butlers take great pride in their work, we spoke with those employed by some of the most luxurious hotels around the world to better understand how to make the most of having someone at your service, while ensuring they are treated with respect. Below, we cover everything you need to know about using the butler service at a hotel. **須參加學習活動:飯店參訪 與飯店/民宿一日管家演練與實習。 *密集課程時間,依正式課程開始與同學討論後滾動式調整。



1. 管家服務(二版)/ 陳貞綉/ 揚智
2. Butler Service: City and Guilds


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