108年第1學期-6815 飲食文化觀光專題 課程資訊


評分項目 配分比例 說明
Food Autobiography 15
Service Learning project 15
Participation and Attendance 20
神木谷飯店文史美食網頁文稿 50


本課程名額為 16人,已有7 人選讀,尚餘名額9人。

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1.餐旅經營專科能力之外,本課程導入地方感與地方創生生等概念,讓學生擴充相關專業範疇。並在文創與創新、創業的發展目標之下,培養學生對跨領域知識的追求熱忱與運用能力,擴充餐旅專業職人所需具備的深厚底蘊。 In addition to professional skills in hospitality management, this course introduces the concepts of localization and local innovation, allowing students to expand relevant professional areas. Under the development goal of cultural innovation and entrepreneurship, we will cultivate students' enthusiasm and ability to pursue cross-disciplinary knowledge, and deepen the profound backgrounds of professional staff in hospitality industry. 2.受到全球化發展影響所及,本課程邀請擁有餐飲創業經驗英語中心專任外籍老師共時授課,課程除了內需市場之飲食文史觀光觀點,也積極拓展學生國際視野,並學習專業英文網頁修辭。 Influenced by the development of globalization, this course invites a foreign teacher from the English Center who is experienced in Culinary Entrepreneurship to co-teach this course. In addition to the food, culture and history of the domestic market, the course also seeks to expand international perspectives of students. 3.因應全球化、文創與創新、創業的發展趨勢,教師與學生勇於嘗試,以更有效進行跨領域知識的學習與運用。未來期望與英語中心、數位創新碩士學位學程等單位合開相關模組學分課程,整合性培養學生職場實務應用能力。 3. In response to the development trend of globalization, cultural creation and innovation, and entrepreneurship, teachers and students in this class should strive to learn and apply cross-disciplinary knowledge more effectively.



Foodies Democracy and Distinction in the Gourmet Foodscape
By: Josee Johnston and Shyon Baumann


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